Rother District Council
Climate Strategy Report

Rother District Council: Climate Strategy Report

Agency: Neo
My role: Senior designer, project coordinator, and creative strategist working alongside lead designer
Copyright: Neo Creative Limited


Agency: Neo
My role: Senior designer, project coordinator, and creative strategist working alongside lead designer
Copyright: Neo Creative Limited

Agency: Neo
My role: Senior designer, project coordinator, and creative strategist working alongside lead designer
Copyright: Neo Creative Limited

Rother District Council (RDC) has produced a climate strategy for the councilors, businesses, and residents to guide them in reducing their climate impact over the next few years. It outlines how the area will achieve climate action to reduce its impact on the planet. 

There the report needed to be impactful and engaging to encourage individuals to engage with the strategy. We developed a content plan and outlined photography and illustration needs to communicate the strategy's key messages and concepts.

I project managed and art directed a two-day shoot over multiple locations involving residents working closely with Rother's Environmental Strategist and a local photographer. We focused on the positive changes the council and residents had achieved so far to help inspire others to do the same. We showed that reducing climate impact was possible.


Selected Works

United Against RabiesWedsite design

Dogs for GoodCampaign branding and editorial design

SUNABranding and packaging

Your PlaceBranding

Rother District CouncilEditorial design

Flourish NowBranding

NHS photographyArt Direction

Healthcare for LondonCampaign branding and editorial design

B MagazineEditorial